Thursday, October 6, 2011

Matt and Laura

I've only attended a couple of weddings so far.
And I have to confess, observing the photographer was the last thing on my mind.
Being a guest or part of the wedding party, you don't really get a chance to learn the technicalities
of what goes on in the day of the wedding.

I met Chuck Espinoza at Ryan and Holly's wedding. He was their wedding photographer.
His style fit just right with Ryan and Holly's personality. The whole wedding party's energy showed in the photos. I mean he was working with a large group, all in their mid 20's (except me :I ).

I didn't really try to talk to him much that day since he was working. And I was kinda having
too much fun at the wedding. Side note: Holly and Ryan's wedding video. Great times! Mercy, I was embarrassing that night. I got to know him more on Facebook and mentioned to him countless times that I'm available if he needed an assistant for any events. Ok I think "mentioned" is an understatement.
I told him I didn't even have to shoot, I'm willing to just carry his bags and fetch water if needed.
We've kept in contact since then. He's even passed on some smaller gigs towards my way.

A month and a half ago, I received an email from him about a wedding that he had scheduled
and asked if I was available to help him. Of course my answer was "Yes!".
Amado can attest that I went from being excited to nervous and back and forth for a few weeks.
But I knew that it was what I wanted and needed. Definitely at the top of my To-Do list.

We met at the venue (Ramsey's) a couple of hours before the wedding and dove right into it.
I learned so much just from watching him. Questioned I had for months were answered without me
having to ask them.

Here are some photos I took at Matt and Laura's wedding. It was a pleasure to be a part of their wedding day.

Laura was glowing even more the second she got in her dress.

I love love love the minimalist look and definitely the flower arrangements. 
I mean, look at that gazebo!

Now I have a better understanding of what a photographer's responsibilities are in a wedding.
Again, thank you Chuck for giving me the opportunity to work with you.


  1. Thanks for all your help. Great photos.

  2. Congrats! It looks like it was an awesome wedding!

  3. @Chuck, no problem and thanks for letting me tag along.
    @Mary Thank you!

