Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Scattered Brain

This is how I function daily.
Brew my cup of coffee, dilute it with creamer and one packet of splenda.
Sit on my chair and make a list of things I need to do for the day.
My mind wonders off easily so I always have a little list going on somewhere.
Tons of stickies (program) on my macbook, notes and alarms on my cellphone,
 more notes on my ipad, some scribbles on my desk notebook and a journal in my bag.
I like how there are times that I'm the only one who can decipher my notes.
I feel a bit more sane that way.


  1. Your photos are always stunning and on-point. May I ask what camera and/or lens are often used to achieve such quality? I'm a bit of a newbie to photography. Thank you kindly!

    -Your fellow MR friend

  2. Thank you! I've been using my Canon T1i. In love with my 28mm 1.8 and 50mm 1.8.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, may be I can help you out. Everything I've learned was from the internet.

  3. I'm certainly glad that you take time to breathe...

  4. I really have to remind myself that often lol. Between me and Amado, I'm the one who always worries about everything.

  5. This is amazing. How did you get the speech bubbles on there and the shadows?

  6. Nidserz: thanks! I used cardboard strips to make brackets (like this ] ) to hold them up against the wall. Cutting different lengths casts the different sizes of shadows.


