Monday, March 19, 2012

Jack Spade and a Movie

Thanks Makoy for the heads up!
My order came in!
Perfect size for what I carry around with me.

Thanks to Amado too. Even though he doesn't know yet that he bought this for me.

Over the weekend Amado and I caught an early showing of Jiro Dreams of Sushi with some friend.
If you are a foodie, this film would be your food pron.
Musical score and cinematography was on point. I was getting the chills just looking
at the sushi flashing on the screen.
Besides being visually pleasing, the story was also very touching and inspiring.
I don't want to spoil the film so just catch the trailer here.

Oh, some random things we spotted after the movie.
Others might say its a sign.

I say it was.. 
Sign to get some awesome grub after watching that movie!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


After watching CreativeLive all weekend long, I was really looking forward to working with April.
In the emails and text messages sent between us two,
 it was clear which direction we wanted to take our session. 
Light, light and light.
Thank goodness the sun decided to cooperate with us.

You look great April! The whole set. Trust!

I adore these two boys. Juku and Kami played with Dynamite and Kaboom when they were still puppies.

Thanks April! And shout out to Adrian again for helping out.
For the hair-shooshing, moving things around, helping out with my equipment and vacuuming.
I don't know why he was vacuuming. 

Monday, March 5, 2012


My Sully is 6 months old today!
Slow down please. I want to enjoy you as a baby a little bit longer.
