Thursday, January 31, 2013

Juku and Kami's Birthday

When we wake up in the morning, Juku and Kami can be found curled up next to us. One would be on our pillow pressed against our faces and the other is somewhere at the foot of the bed under the covers. It's very uncomfortable but we've gotten used to it. I would try to annoy and smother one of them and whisper, "You're not a baby anymore, stop acting like a baby!" But who am I kidding. They'll aways be our babies even though they're both a year older this week.

Juku turned 6 last Sunday and Kami turns 5 this Friday. We've had a busy week so we wanted to have a small celebration for them celebrated yesterday.

We usually buy them a few pre-made birthday treats from a local pet store but I wanted to make them something this year. Looked online for recipe and found a Banana Peanut Butter dog cake.

I know it doesn't look appetizing but the girls really liked it. Kami started licking the cake before we had a chance to blow out the candles. Juku finished her slice in a couple of bites. 

After that it was time to open their presents. We took them to the pet store a couple of days ago and let them pick out whatever toy they liked. They obviously don't remember that as they were jolted with joy upon opening their gifts as if seeing the toys for the very first time.

Kami and Juku weren't the only ones who had treats. I also made something for Amado and I. Chocolate covered short bread cookies. The recipe needs some tweaking but Amado was happy with it.

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