Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Nico's 1st Birthday

I've surrounded myself with enough cousins, nieces and nephews to know that "the first" plays 
a big part when it comes to having kids.
First step, first tooth, first word. First birthday is obviously one of the top in that list.

When Josefa asked me to photograph Nico's 1st Birthday party 
I already knew how important this milestone was for her and Quinn.
Nico had a safari themed party which his mom spent weeks working on.

The birthday boy was slowly acclimating to all the commotion with the help of some bubbles.

Ummm, Animal Crackers... My faves!

Then it finally sunk in that it was his birthday party.

I just loved this little boy's reaction as he got in the water.

Nico grabbed some grapes straight from the vine while Josefa was arranging the food for the party.
I was tempted to do it myself but the birthday boy beat me to it.

This little boy was determined to break open the pinata. For someone his size he sure could pack up a couple of strong hits.

Josefa trying to cheer Nico up before doing the cake.
This was probably the only time I saw her sit down during the party.

and the lovely Ciccarelli trio.


  1. I'm in love!!! And i had a smile from ear to ear going through these pictures. Thank you so much for the amazing job you did! So thankful to have these pictures captured on such a special day.

  2. Glad you like them! Sent you a message.

